Intermittent Fasting

Did you know that extensive studies of individuals who have achieved both exceptional health and a long life consistently highlight intermittent fasting as a crucial factor in their longevity? Moreover, an abundance of animal studies underscores fasting as a potent means to extend life, enhance cognitive function, and provide protection against a myriad of diseases …

Healthy Proteins

Did you know that extensive studies involving over 120,000 adults have revealed a concerning association between daily red meat consumption and a shortened lifespan? Specifically, individuals who consume red meat daily face an 18-21% higher risk of succumbing to cardiovascular disease and a 10-16% higher risk of cancer-related mortality. Moreover, dairy products have been identified …

Vegetables and Fruits

Did you know that a diet rich in vegetables and fruits can reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, lower blood pressure, lower bad cholesterol, prevent digestive problems and some types of cancer, balance your blood sugar, and help you feel satisfied and full? Vegetables and fruits contain a wealth of plant nutrients that …

Physical Strength

Did you know that the human sex hormone, testosterone, declines with age? About 10% per decade in men after age 30. In both men and women, low testosterone can cause low sex drive, erectile dysfunction, loss of fertility, depressed mood, difficulties with concentration and memory, fatigue, hair loss, bone thinning, and loss of muscular strength. …

The Power of Meaning

As he slowly opened his eyes, the blinding light disoriented him. He felt battered and bruised, as if he had been pummeled with a baseball bat. Strangely, he couldn’t sense or move his arms and legs; he was paralyzed from the neck down. Doctors and his wife rushed to his side. He had been in …

General Physical Activity

Did you know that general physical activity is the single most influential factor for your brain’s development and function, and significantly reduces the risk of various diseases, such as Alzheimer’s, by up to 60%? Throughout millions of years, our bodies have evolved under conditions that involved constant physical activity. Many physiological processes depend on this …

Cardio Health

Did you know that your physical fitness level directly affects your abilities, life expectancy, and risk of serious diseases? Scientific studies have consistently shown the significant impact of physical fitness on various aspects of health and well-being. Research has demonstrated that individuals who are in good physical shape have larger and more efficient brain volumes …